anaconda cloud: All my notebooks have vanished!
anaconda cloud rarely works.
Is somebody paying any attention?
Hi Vadulam,
I’m sorry to hear you’ve run into an issue. We’re not aware of any active incidents or issues with the Anaconda Notebooks service (, so we’ll need a little more information to help you out.
Just to confirm, is this on the hosted Anaconda Notebooks service at
Beyond that, can you provide any more detail or background on what you’re seeing in the service? Had you recently uploaded a large number of files? Extremely large files? When did you first experience the issue?
Just to confirm, is this on the hosted Anaconda Notebooks service at
Beyond that, can you provide any more detail or background on what you’re seeing in the service?
Steve, I have provided the URL above where all my notebooks are supposed to be.
Had you recently uploaded a large number of files? Extremely large files? When did you first experience the issue?
Totally, I have about seven small Jupyter notebooks.
Best Regards,
N. Srinivasan
Thank you for the response and the information. We’ll look into this right away.
Hi there – what were the files called? I took a look at your account storage to look for issues, but everything seemed fine. I did see that you had various notebooks saved in various places. They all had names like Untitled.ipynb
or Untitled1.ipynb
and so on. I saw six of them in total, which is in keeping with the “about seven” you mentioned above.
Is it possible that you inadvertently saved them in the sample-notebooks
directory and its subdirectories (which is where I found them) rather than in the home directory where you planned to save them?
Hello gpjt,
Thanks a million!
I am new to the anaconda cloud.
I don’t know how to navigate the folders.
Can you tell me how.
I will be much obliged.
No problem, glad to help!
You can control which folder you’re in using the thing on the left hand side:
The “/” at the top shows you that you’re in the root (top-level) folder for your account, and you can see the sub-folders in that folder (in my case, just sample-notebooks
) and the files (I just have README.ipynb
If you double-click on a file it will open in the panel on the right (as you probably know) but if you double-click on a sub-folder, you’ll move into that one and see its contents:
See that the thing at the top showing the current folder has changed, and the listing of the folder contents has updated to show the contents of the new folder.
You can then navigate down to the sub-sub-folders by double-clicking them, or go up again to the parent folder by clicking on the appropriate bits of the thing at the top (I know that’s a bit vague but it’s the kind of thing that you’ll work out with a few seconds experimentation much more easily than you would from any written explanation).
You are very kind and generous with your time!
Thanks for helping me!
Now, I know how to navigate within the folders.
You are an expert! I am indeed grateful.
No problem at all, glad to help.
I have run into a similar problem. I started a few notebooks on Anaconda Cloud when I had problem installing the app in my computer. After I could install it to my computer, the two were not synced and somehow today when I tried opening the link to the most important notebook, it has vanished. After several times trying, 2 notebooks appeared, but the two most recent and the one I am working in has totally disappeared together with some raw files I loaded into the cloud before. I don’t know what to do with it.
Here is the link to the previous notebook:
Now if you open it, it will automatically load to a blank one. It is quite important as I have been developing it for the past few days and I really don’t know how it vanished into thin air.
If possible, please help me with it.
Is there any way to restore the notebooks or data that we lost?
Let us know the URL that you are accessing notebooks from and the full paths to the files you want recovered and the time (in UTC) when they were deleted and we’ll see what we can do.
Is there a way to recover deleted files? It crashed and I lost it
I am having the exact same issue. I need a serious intervention because all of my files and folders are gone. I am a graduate student and switched from using jupyter notebook locally to Anaconda Cloud for the “Advantages” now all of my work looks to be completely gone. Can you someone please help me with this?