Anaconda installation fails

My python scripts would not run and it seemed that the Pandas and Numpy modules were broken. So I ran the Anaconda uninstall program, and then tried to re-install Anaconda, but the installation failed. The fail message said I should contact you.

Good Morning,

Thank you so much for contacting us, please open your Terminal on the Mac menu and launch these commands:

mkdir /Users/$USER/.config/

mkdir /Users/$USER/.config/fish/

touch /Users/$USER/ .bash_profile .tcshrc .xonshrc .zshrc

touch /Users/$USER/.config/fish/

sudo chown -R $USER ~/.bash_profile ~/.config/fish/ ~/.tcshrc ~/.xonshrc ~/.zshrc

Then proceed with the installation regardless of the output results.
Then you should be able to install Anaconda after a reboot, please let us know if that worked for you.

Hey there!

I tried this and it worked so thank you very much. Still a bit curious. May I know what there command essentially does and what was the problem with the installation?


For more information about the commands that Carlos used.

I can provide this information with the support article documentation that gives more detail information in the link below:

(Troubleshooting — Anaconda documentation)

Only difference is that Carlos used the touch commands to create these folders/files because the installer has issues sometimes installing with these configurations.

mine still shows installation fails

Good morning,

In that case please use our command-line installer, you can find the instructions under the macos/linux tab here: