Uninstalling Anaconda fails on Windows machine

Help! I am trying to uninstall Anaconda from my device, but when I run Uninstall-Anaconda.exe or attempt to uninstall from the Windows settings menu, the uninstaller says “Failed to run pre_uninstall” and it does not successfully install. I need to remove this from my machine and I don’t know what to do aside from having to do a hard reset of my entire laptop, which is frustrating. How can this be removed?

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Have you tried using the control panel? If you have, you can always look for external software that work very well to delete software. Best of luck :).

same problem here v 2024.06-1. any fixes?

Good morning,

You can safely delete the anaconda3 folder usually located inside your user folder and run the uninstaller to delete the registry key.

Same problem, i cannot uninstall anaconda

I too was facing same issue when i tried installing for 2nd time. I was trying to uninstall from ‘‘control panel’’. i didn’t work
it worked for me when i went to the anaconda install location on my system searched for uninstall exe and ran it - was working .

try file location uninstall rather than control panel

It did’t work for me :frowning:
Any other suggestions, please?

Good morning,

Please delete the anaconda3 folder located on your C: drive and then run the uninstaller again.

Hi Carlos, the uninstaller program is just in the anaconda3 folder in C: drive. If we delete the folder the uninstaller program is also deleted, how can we run it again?

I was using v 2024.06-1 in Windows 10 as well when running into the same problem. After much struggle, I just used anaconda-clean first and then delete all anaconda3 related folders and its environmental variables. Then I installed a new anaconda3 and it seems work well.

Good afternoon! I hope you find this information helpful. I located the Anaconda3 folder on my C drive, and after completely deleting it, I was able to reinstall it successfully. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with.